It was your lucky day. You found yourself in a room with Kathryn Bernardo and Julia Montes. Both know your love of underarms and both are willing to have you do whatever you want with their armpits. They are already down to wearing white sandos and both already have thwir arms raised above their heads, their kilikilis exposed in all their glory. You may smell or kiss or lick em. But you can only do one of them. And you will no longer have a chance with the other.
So who would you pick? The dusky tween Kathryn with her morena armpits perfectly matching her Pinay skin? Or the tall and tisay Julia with her white underarms that she got from the German side of her family? A hard decision. Two lovely girls with underarms that are as fresh as only teenage armpits can be. Whoever you pick, you are sure the pits are going to be winners. But you’ll always regret not being able to do the other one.
It was also hard to pick from the two who will be this month’s Pitshots Girl. So Pitshots: Kilikili Wonderland is naming both girls as the Pitshots Girls for February… and March!!!! So where can you catch them? You can watch Julia in Walang Hanggan at ABS-CBN. Kathryn will soon star in the remake of Esperanza at the same channel. Or you can just watch for their pics here on Multiply and on Piter Pitshots’ Facebook account.